ENV variables which are used to setup OpenSign™ with Docker on Localhost
Information About ENV variables which are used to setup OpenSign™ with Docker on Localhost
To set up OpenSign™ locally using Docker, the following prerequisites are required:
Environment Varaibles:
Environment Varibale | Value | Description |
PUBLIC_URL | http://localhost:3000 | Set it to the URL form where the app home page will be accessed |
GENERATE_SOURCEMAP | false | Set it to true if you want to generate the Sourcemap for debugging |
REACT_APP_SERVERURL | http://localhost:8080/app | Set it to the URL from where APIs will be accessible, for local development it should be localhost:8080/app (use your local port number instead) |
REACT_APP_APPID | opensignstgn | A 12 character long random app identifier. The value of this should be same as APP_ID which is a variable used by backend API. |
APP_ID | opensignstgn | A 12 character long random app identifier. The value of this should be same as REACT_APP_APPID which is a variable used by Frontend React App. |
appName | open_sign_server | Name of the app. It will be visible in the verification emails sent out. |
MASTER_KEY | XnAadwKxxByMr | A 12 character long random secret key that allows access to all the data. It is used in Parse dashboard config to view all the data in the database. |
MONGODB_URI | mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017/OpenSignDB | Mongodb URI to connect to |
PARSE_MOUNT | /app | Path on which APIs should be mounted. Do not change this. This variable shall be removed & value hardcoded in the source code in coming versions. |
SERVER_URL | http://localhost:8080/app | Set it to the URL from where APIs will be accessible to the NodeJS functions, for local development it should be localhost:8080/app (use your local port number instead) |
DO_SPACE | DOSPACENAME | Digital ocean space name or AWS S3 bucket name for uploading documents |
DO_ENDPOINT | ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com | Digital ocean spaces endpoint or AWS S3 endpoint for uploading documents |
DO_BASEURL | https://DOSPACENAME.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com | Digital ocean baseurl or AWS S3 base URL |
DO_ACCESS_KEY_ID | YOUR_S3_ACCESS_ID | Digital ocean spaces access key ID or AWS s3 Access key ID for uploading the docs |
DO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY | Digital ocean spaces secret access key or AWS s3 secret access key for uploading the docs |
DO_REGION | YOUR_S3_REGION | Digital ocean spaces region or AWS s3 region |
USE_LOCAL | FALSE | Set this to true in order to use local file storage to save files |
MAILGUN_SENDER | - | Mailgun Sender Mail ID |
PFX_BASE64 | - | Base64 encoded PFX or p12 document signing certificate file. You can generate base64 encoded self sign certificate using the passphrase. |
PASS_PHRASE | opensign | Pass phrase of PFX or p12 document signing certificate file. |
Steps to generate self-signed document singing certificate
# execute below command and use passphrase 'opensign'
openssl genrsa -des3 -out ./local_dev.key 2048
openssl req -key ./local_dev.key -new -x509 -days 365 -out ./local_dev.crt
openssl pkcs12 -inkey ./local_dev.key -in ./local_dev.crt -export -out ./local_dev.pfx
openssl base64 -in ./local_dev.pfx -out ./base64_pfx