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Self-host OpenSign™ with Docker on Linux/MacOS/Windows

Steps to run OpenSign™ with docker on Linux/MacOS/Windows:

Step 1. Download and Install Docker:

Follow the official Docker installation guide based on your operating system.

Create a Docker Hub account if you don't already have one

Important: Don't forget to verify your Docker Hub account via the email verification link. If you skip this step, the deployment might fail due to unauthorized access errors when pulling Docker images.

Step 2. Open the terminal and execute the below commands as per your operating system.

Make sure Docker is running in the background before proceeding.

Warning: The commands below should only be used when installing OpenSign for the first time. You may loose your settings as this will overwrite .env & caddy files.

Running on a custom domain

Command for linux/MacOS

export HOST_URL= && curl --remote-name-all && mv .env.local_dev && docker compose up --force-recreate

Command for Windows (Powershell)

$env:HOST_URL=""; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile docker-compose.yml; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Caddyfile; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile .env.local_dev; Rename-Item -Path .env.local_dev -NewName; docker compose up --force-recreate

Command for Windows (CMD/Terminal)

set HOST_URL= && curl -O && curl -O && curl -O && rename .env.local_dev && docker compose up --force-recreate

Copy the command above, paste it into the terminal, and press Enter to pull and start the containers automatically.

Make sure to replace the host URL with your subdomain where OpenSign will be accessible.

You will also need to point the subdomain to the server executing these commands by adding the correct A record to your DNS settings.

Running locally

If instead want to run locally try out below commands and once the deployment is successful, the application will be accessible at https://localhost:3001. You will need to accept Chrome's insecure certificate warning. Follow the steps in the screenshots to proceed.

Command for linux/MacOS (localhost)

curl --remote-name-all && mv .env.local_dev && docker compose up --force-recreate

Command for Windows (Powershell) (localhost)

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile docker-compose.yml; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Caddyfile; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile .env.local_dev; Rename-Item -Path .env.local_dev -NewName; docker compose up --force-recreate

Command for Windows (CMD/Terminal) (localhost)

curl -O && curl -O && curl -O && rename .env.local_dev && docker compose up --force-recreate

Note: If you wish to incorporate our latest features into your Docker container, follow the Upgrade Deployment steps.

Information About ENV variables which are used to setup OpenSign™ with Docker on Localhost

To set up OpenSign™ locally using Docker, the following prerequisites are required:

Add below Environment Varaibles to the "" file that is automatically created in order to personalize your installation:

Environment VaribaleValueDescription
PUBLIC_URLhttps://localhost:3001 or https://opensign.yourdomain.comSet it to the URL form where the app home page will be accessed
APP_IDopensignA 12 character long random app identifier. The value of this should be same as REACT_APP_APPID which is a variable used by Frontend React App.
MASTER_KEYXnAadwKxxByMrA 12 character long random secret key that allows access to all the data. It is used in Parse dashboard config to view all the data in the database.
MONGODB_URImongodb://mongo-container:27017/OpenSignDBMongodb URI to connect to
PARSE_MOUNT/appPath on which APIs should be mounted. Do not change this. This variable shall be removed & value hardcoded in the source code in coming versions.
SERVER_URLhttp://localhost:8080/appSet it to the URL from where APIs will be accessible to the NodeJS functions, for local development it should be localhost:8080/app
DO_SPACEDOSPACENAMEDigital ocean space name or AWS S3 bucket name for uploading documents
DO_ENDPOINTams3.digitaloceanspaces.comDigital ocean spaces endpoint or AWS S3 endpoint for uploading documents
DO_BASEURLhttps://dospace.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.comDigital ocean baseurl or AWS S3 base URL
DO_ACCESS_KEY_IDYOUR_S3_ACCESS_IDDigital ocean spaces access key ID or AWS s3 Access key ID for uploading the docs
DO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYYOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEYDigital ocean spaces secret access key or AWS s3 secret access key for uploading the docs
DO_REGIONYOUR_S3_REGIONDigital ocean spaces region or AWS s3 region
USE_LOCALtrueIf this is set to true, local file storage will be used to save files, and DO credentials will be ignored.
MAILGUN_SENDER-Mailgun Sender Mail ID
SMTP_ENABLEfalseIf this is set to true, emails will be sent through SMTP, and Mailgun credentials will be ignored.
SMTP_HOSTsmtp.yourhost.comProvide smtp host
SMTP_PORT443Provide smtp port number
SMTP_USER_EMAILmailer@yourdomain.comProvide user email of smtp
SMTP_PASSpasswordProvide smtp password
PFX_BASE64-Base64 encoded PFX or p12 document signing certificate file. You can generate base64 encoded self sign certificate using the passphrase.
PASS_PHRASEopensignPass phrase of PFX or p12 document signing certificate file.

Steps to Generate Self Sign Certificate

# execute below command and use passphrase 'opensign'
openssl genrsa -des3 -out ./local_dev.key 2048
openssl req -key ./local_dev.key -new -x509 -days 365 -out ./local_dev.crt
openssl pkcs12 -inkey ./local_dev.key -in ./local_dev.crt -export -out ./local_dev.pfx
openssl base64 -in ./local_dev.pfx -out ./base64_pfx

Please note that when signing a document using a certificate generated through this process, it won’t be recognized as valid by Adobe Acrobat. To get the green tick on your signed documents, you'll need to purchase a document signing certificate (a p12 certificate in pfx format) from an AATL-approved Certificate Authority.

CORS Configuration

As document storage is delegated to S3-compatible services that reside in a different host than the OpenSign one, document operations (loading, storing, deleting) are subject to Cross-Origin Resource Sharing restriction policies; as a consequence, OpenSign app may fail with (browser console) errors like the following:

Access to fetch at ''
from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header
is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to
'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

In order to address this, your document storage system must be instructed to accept requests from other hosts; below the relevant documentation links: