OpenSign™ Self-Hosted 'Upgrade Deployment' Guide Using Docker on Linux, macOS, or Windows
This guide provides step-by-step instructions to upgrade the deployment of OpenSign using Docker.
Step 1: Open the Terminal
- Windows: Press Win + X and select Windows PowerShell or Windows Terminal from the menu.
- macOS: Go to Applications > Utilities > Terminal or search for "Terminal" using Spotlight (Cmd + Space).
- Linux: Open the terminal from the application menu or by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T.
Step 2: Pull the Latest Docker Images
- Before executing the commands below, make sure Docker is running on your machine.
- Ensure that you are in the same directory where you executed the
Docker command.
Run the following command to pull the latest OpenSign Docker images:
Note: If you've made any custom changes to your docker-compose.yml file, they will be lost when running the command below. This command is intended only for those who haven't made any custom modifications to their docker-compose.yml file.
Running on a custom domain
export HOST_URL= && curl --remote-name-all && docker compose pull
Windows (Powershell)
$env:HOST_URL=""; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile docker-compose.yml; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Caddyfile; docker compose pull
Windows (Command Prompt)
set HOST_URL= && curl -O && curl -O && docker compose pull
- This command will fetch the most recent versions of the Docker images required by OpenSign.
- Wait for the pulling process to complete. You should see messages indicating the progress and completion of the download.
Running locally
curl --remote-name-all && docker compose pull
Windows (Powershell)
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile docker-compose.yml; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Caddyfile; docker compose pull
Windows (Command Prompt)
curl -O && curl -O && docker compose pull
- This command will fetch the most recent versions of the Docker images required by OpenSign.
- Wait for the pulling process to complete. You should see messages indicating the progress and completion of the download.
Step 3: Start the Updated OpenSign Deployment
After the images have been successfully pulled, run the following command to start the updated OpenSign deployment:
Running Docker Compose in Detached Mode
To start your Docker Compose services in detached mode (running in the background), use the following command:
docker compose up -d
- docker-compose up: This command starts the services defined in your docker-compose.yml file.
- -d: The detached mode flag, which runs the containers in the background and frees up your terminal.
- If you want to view the logs, avoid using the -d flag.
Note: The docker compose pull command ensures that you have the latest version of the Docker images, while the docker compose up command applies any updates and starts the containers.
- If you encounter any errors, check Docker logs by running docker compose logs to get more details.
- Verify that your environment variables and Docker configuration files are set correctly.
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