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Create Templates

Getting Started

Creating a template in OpenSign is straightforward and can significantly enhance your document workflow. Follow these steps to create a custom template:

How to Create a Template in OpenSign™

Step 1: Begin New Template Creation

  • Navigate to New template form: On the left sidebar, click on "Templates" to expand the menu. and Click on the "Create template" option.
Create Template

Step 2: Uploading Your Document

  • [1] Choose File: Once the "New template" page opens, click here to select and upload the document file from your computer that needs to be signed. Supported formats include PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, and DOCX.
  • [2] Choose File from Dropbox: Click the dropbox icon to select the document file from your dropbox account.

Step 3: Entering Template Details

  • [3] Title (Required): Provide a title for your template. For example, "Demo Custom Template."
  • [4] Description: Optionally add a description to give context or instructions regarding the template.
  • [5] Note: Optionally add a note to give context or instructions regarding the document.

Step 4: Set the sending order

  • [6] Send in Order
    • If you choose:
    • Yes: Selecting this option will send the signing request to the first signer initially. Once the first signer completes their part, the next signer in the sequence will receive the request. This process continues until all signers have signed the document. This method ensures that the document is signed in a specific order.
    • No: Selecting this option will send the signing links to all signers simultaneously. Every signer can sign the document at their convenience, regardless of whether other signers have completed their signatures. This method is faster but does not enforce any signing order among the participants. Select the option that best suits the needs of your document processing.

Step 5: Auto reminder (feature only avilable for the subscribed user)

  • [7] Once you enable the auto reminder, a text field will appear allowing you to set the reminder for a specific number of days.
  • Remind once in every (Days): Here, you can set the number of days for the reminder.

Step 6: Proceed to Template Creation Panel

  • Next: Click the "Next" button to proceed to the next stage of template creation, where you can add widgets and finalize the template.
  • Cancel: If you need to start over or make changes, click Cancel button to clear the form.

Step 7: Template creation

Create Template
  • [1] Define Roles:

    • Add Roles: In the roles section on the right, click "+ Add role" to specify the roles involved in the document, such as Candidate, HR, and Manager.
  • [2] Assign Widgets to Roles: Click on each role to highlight it, then drag and drop the widget to assign it to that role.

    • [1] Assign signature widget: Select the Role from the right side panel, click on the signature widget, and position it where the signature is required. You can place multiple signature widgets for each Role, as required.

    After placing the Signature widget, you will see the options on the widget such as:

    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the signature widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy Signature: Clicking on this option reveals the following choices.
      • All pages: It will copy the signature widget to all pages.
      • All pages but last: It will copy the signature widget to all pages except the last page.
      • All pages but first: It will copy the signature widget to all pages except the first page.
    • [2] Add other widgets: Depending on your needs, you can include additional widgets such as:
    • Stamp: After placing the Stamp widget, you will see the options on the widget such as:
      • Setting icon: By clicking on the option, you can specify whether this widget is mandatory or optional during the document signing.
      • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the second option on the stamp widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
      • Copy Stamp: Clicking on this option reveals the following choices.
        • All pages : It will copy the stamp widget to all pages.
        • All pages but last: It will copy the stamp widget to all pages except the last page.
        • All pages but first: It will copy the stamp widget to all pages except the first page.
    • Initials: After placing the Initials widget, you will see the options on the widget such as:
    • Setting icon: By clicking on the option, you can specify whether this widget is mandatory or optional during the document signing.
    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the Initials widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy Initials: Clicking on this option reveals the following choices.
      • All pages : It will copy the stamp widget to all pages.
      • All pages but last: It will copy the stamp widget to all pages except the last page.
      • All pages but first: It will copy the stamp widget to all pages except the first page.
  • Name: After placing the name widget, you will see the options on the widget such as:

    • Setting icon: By clicking on the option, you can set the color and font.
    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the Name widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy : Clicking on this you can ducplicate the name widget.
  • Job title: After placing the job title widget, you will see the options on the widget such as:

    • Setting icon: By clicking on the option, you can set the color and font.
    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the Job title widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy : Clicking on this you can ducplicate the job title widget.
  • Company: After placing the company widget, you will see the options on the widget such as:

    • Setting icon: By clicking on the option, you can set the color and font.
    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the Company widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy : Clicking on this you can ducplicate the Company widget.
  • Date: After placing the date widget, you will see the options on the widget such as:

    • Setting icon: By clicking on the option, you can choose from various date formats.
    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the Date widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy : Clicking on this you can ducplicate the date widget.
  • Text: After placing the Text widget, you will see the options on the widget such as:

    • Setting icon: By clicking on the option, you can set the color and font.
    • Copy : Clicking on this you can ducplicate the Text widget.
  • Text Input: After placing the Text Input widget, you will see the options on the widget such as:

    • Setting icon: By clicking on the option, you can set the color and font.
    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the Text Input widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy : Clicking on this you can ducplicate the Text Input widget.
  • Checkbox: Once you drop the checkbox widget, a popup will open where you can set the checkbox name and options. Additionally, there is few optiona available like you can set Minimum check, maximum check also whether this check box is readonly also hide label option.

    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the CheckBox widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy : Clicking on this you can ducplicate the image widget.
  • Dropdown: Once you drop the dropdown widget, a popup will open where you can set the dropdown name and options. Additionally, there is few option available like you can set default value, also whether this dropdown is required or optional.

    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the Dropdown widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy : Clicking on this you can ducplicate the image widget.
  • Radio button: Once you drop the radio button widget, a popup will open where you can set the radio button name and options. Additionally, there is few option available like you can set default value, also whether this radio button is readonly also hide label option.

    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the Radio button widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy : Clicking on this you can ducplicate the image widget.
  • Image: After placing the Image widget, you will see the options on the widget such as:

    • Setting icon: By clicking on the option, you can specify whether this widget is mandatory or optional during the document signing.
    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the Image widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy : Clicking on this you can ducplicate the image widget.
  • Email: After placing the email widget, you will see the options on the widget such as:

    • Setting icon: By clicking on the option, you can set the color and font.
    • Add Signer/Change Signer: Clicking the first icon on the Email widget allows you to change the signer. You can choose from existing signers in the dropdown or add a new signer.
    • Copy : Clicking on this you can duplicate the email widget.

Step 8: Save Template

Next button: Once you’ve organized your widgets and set their properties, simply click the “Next” button to save your template.

After doing so, a “Create Document” popup will appear, prompting you with the question: “Do you want to create a document using the template you just created?” You’ll have the option to choose either “Yes” or “No.” If you select "Yes": It will create a document using the template you just created. If you select "No": You will be redirected to the Manage templates form.

Step 9: Viewing and Managing Templates

Manage Template

On the Manage templates page you will see a list of templates you have created or have access to. The list includes details such as the template title, file, owner, signers, and whether the template is public.

Download Template: If you need to download the template file, click on the "Download" link under the "File" column next to the respective template.

View Signers: This will display the roles or the list of signers along with their assigned roles, if assigned during template creation.

Public/Private Toggle: You can set your template to public or private by toggling the switch under the "Public" column. Public templates can be accessed by anyone via the public URL, allowing them to open and sign the document after registering.

Use Template: To use a template, click the "+ USE" button next to the desired template. This will open the template, enabling you to create a document for a signature request. Simply assign the signers and send it for signatures.

Quick Send: For faster processing, the Quick Send feature allows you to swiftly create and send a document to a signer using the selected template.

Share With Team: Collaboration is essential for any successful team, and OpenSign simplifies sharing document templates with your team. Here's how you can utilize the "Share With Team" feature: Click on the three dots next to the template you want to share. Select "Share With Team."

Edit: The "Edit" feature is crucial for keeping your document templates up-to-date and relevant. Whether you need to make minor tweaks or major changes, OpenSign's editing capabilities are user-friendly and efficient. Click on the three dots next to the template you want to edit. Select "Edit." Make the necessary changes and save them.

Delete: Sometimes, it's necessary to clean up your templates to keep your workspace organized. The "Delete" feature allows you to remove outdated or unnecessary templates with ease. Click on the three dots next to the template you want to delete. Select "Delete." Confirm the deletion.

Additional Information

  • The fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
  • Make sure your document is in PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, or DOCX format.
  • You can access your signed documents in the folder you've selected by visiting OpenSign™ Drive anytime. You can also access the documents from reports section.

If you require more help, feel free to reach out to our customer support on

Happy signing with OpenSign™!